If you have a Hash story or anything you think is Hash newsworthy and would like it to appear here just send all the details (with your photos) to Top Drawer (pthreapleton@hotmail.com) 06.11.24 - Almijara Nerja Trail Race 2024 (Thanks to Half Nelson for the report and photos)
21.11.23 03.11.23 Your Hash funds provide The Coveted Tankard when you reach 50 runs and the Hash T-shirts that you buy at below cost price. The Hash Funds are now struggling to meet these commitments and your committee would prefer not to bring in an increase in Hash Fees. To circumvent a question, that someone will ask, it is proposed that the next Hash Camp will not be subsidised in any way and I will try for any discounts via the chosen hotel. To sum up: 02.11.23 On the 1st of November 2023 Half Nelson, Triple Whopper, Squashed Offal and Flying Haggis did the Almijara Nerja Trail Race; an event attended by over 900 runners. Squashed Offal and Flying Haggis chose to do the 22km version rather than the more sensible 11km and low and behold Flying Haggis (with no help from Squashed Offal I should add) came in first in her age group. Well done to all but especially Flying Haggis of course., maybe next year she could wear the AH3 T shirt?! 17.11.22 24.12.20 - 04.10.20 - 15/08/20 RV will be somewhere around the barbeque area near to the football pitch at the side of the lake. This will enable those who wish to pitch tents to do so. - 13/08/20 - 05/03/20 Hash House Harriers are a world wide group with rules that, in the main, are consistent throughout the world. It is a drinking club with a running problem!!!!!!! It runs on BEER. A Hash is not a gentle stroll through the countryside. Having said that the majority of Hashers with AH3 are walkers with front runners sorting out the technical side of the Hash. Everyone taking part is deemed to have read the rules and to be in full agreement with them. At the "Down Down," at the end of the Hash, anyone called into the circle for a misdemeanour, either real or imagined, has to pay the forfeit of drinking or wearing a beer. By wearing it means you pour it OVER your head. AH3 is not totally irresponsible and sin alcohol is available, and in the case of a child we will accept water. We do not want to discourage anyone from attending but the rules of the Hash must be accepted/obeyed and if you feel that you cannot abide by them then perhaps the Hash is not for you. At the beer stop we have accepted that soft drinks should be available BUT the "down down" is BEER. Back to the Hash itself!!!! Standing around waiting for someone else to sort out the route is not acceptable and you should play your part if you are there when the route is in doubt. The crisps provided are normal packets of crisps and no consideration will be given to possible allergies etc. It is your responsibility to ensure you (and your children) are not putting yourselves at risk. Anyone attending are deemed to have read the above and to be in acceptance of the above. The Hash is a family and is great fun although it is not for everyone. Once again, if you attend, you are agreeing to abide by the rules and take an active part. OnOn Zulu, on behalf of the Mismanagement Committee. - 29/02/20 Good to see long time Hashers Anagram & Snowball enjoying hashing in Vietnam. - 11/02/20 "A volunteer (s) will be needed to organise Hash Camp 2020. I have organised and helped organise several now, but my personal circumstances mean that I will not be able to take it on this year. However I can be of assistance if someone will take on the role of routing and laying the main and recovery hash. It seemed to work well based in Lanjaron in 2019 and I know there are many trails that can be used. I would be prepared to use my contacts re accommodation and to even take that role on in its entirety leaving The Hares to concentrate totally on the runs. Of course if someone wants the whole job but in a different area then that again is totally acceptable." OnOn - January 2020 Anagram hands over the Webmaster reins to Top Drawer, so many thanks to Anagram for his work in maintaining the website to date - from Vietnam, no less, for the last few months! Tonto has passed the Record Book over to Top Drawer. The website attendance has now been (hopefully) brought into line with the book, so please check figures and advise Top Drawer if you think I've made an error with transposing the figures. Thanks Tonto for a comprehensive record! Miss Toned and F.Troop have been baby-sitting the Hash Cash role as AWOL is, well AWOL. So from run 365 the new Hash Cash will be Flat Pack. Thanks again to all those those involved... On-On! - Our grandmaster took part in an obstacle race in Alhama de Granada. Coming in 3th in her category!! ![]()
- Mijas H3 30th Anniversary May 17th - 19th 2019 - Zulu and Miss Toned named July, now known as RAKSHA - All of the Hash want to say a BIG THANK YOU to Double Enrty for being Hash Cash for more than twelve years!!!! - How about our new Hash Cash!!!! Welcome Awol - Miss Toned and F. Troop did the honours: Antony got named: Half Nelson - 7th of September Flip Flop completes 200 runs!!! - 5th of August 2018: Jammie Dodger completes 200 runs!!! - Hi Folks: Your Mismanagement Team (MMT) have decide in our total lack of wisdom to hold elections for all the MMT posts. These are: The election will take place in the circle at the end of Run 323 on 24th June, 2018. It will be a simple process as befits all of the MMT and quite a lot of the Hashers. So Read On: Any Hasher wishing to stand for election to any of the above posts must email the current GM, MisToned, indicating their wish to stand for the post they aspire to be elected to, no later than midnight on Friday, 15th June 2018. As soon as possible after the time the list of candidates closes MisToned will distribute the list of candidates to AH3 Hashers. The current GM´s email address is lacurespain@gmail.com Any Hasher may put themselves forward for election. The voting process will be as follows in no particular order: Any Hasher may vote once for one candidate in the election for each post. Some Hashers may want to stand for more than one post so each voter can vote for that Hasher in both (or more than both) elections. The phrase "Any Hasher" is to include those in our "Hash Family": for example those who have a long association with AH3 but for whatever reason are currently unable to Hash: for example: Womble, Flopsy, Fauna, Scud. Voting will be by a show of hands in the circle mentioned above: Hashers who want to vote but are not able to attend Run 323 on 24th June, 2018 can vote by email to the current GM, MisToned, NO LATER than midnight on Friday 22nd June 2018. MisToned - Grand Master - Axarquia Hash House Harriers - As our organiser Double Entry said: The lunch at Tanit was an real enjoyable occasion. Good to get together with so many friends. (more pictures, click on Photos) - Hola all you good, faithful and regular Hashers ( I hope you are regular anyway: it can get a little uncomfortable if you are not!) I am sure all you folks who have Hashed through many years, or even for a somewhat shorter time, have been awed by the shrewdness, prudence and, yes, brilliance of the AH3 Financial Management regime: ie ME! No. no! I don't want your praises or to be showered with gifts or even the odd beer or two: but if you insist I will humbly accept. Now to the real point of this drivel: AT LAST all the hard work by me and my team at the Treasury plus the loyalty of you contributors to my annual holiday and Xmas dinner have enabled your MisManagement Team to offer you a small but well deserved reward. This will be Tanit's regular Menu del Dia for which AH3 is footing the bill (excluding beverages: I'm not that good a financial wizard!). Like I've hinted at in the above tripe, this is for regular and faithful members of the Hash Family: afraid we can't stretch to funding one time hashers, house guests, mates who saw a bit about hashing in Insight, friends of friends who've got a pair of trainers, a hitchhiker you picked up on the way to the RV, someone you know who has a bag of flower: just the "True Blue B******* Through and Through!" I'm sure you get the drift! Tanit say they will have the Menu available by Monday 28th May and I'll get it out to you that day. You can then give me your menu choices. SO: what I need now: FIRSTLY PLEASE TELL ME IF YOU CAN MAKE IT so that I can confirm numbers to Tanit. I'd like your commitment by Monday 21st May please. Look forward to hearing from you soon and - Note from Zulu to Mungo and his reply: Not Forgotten?? Hi Mike heard a rumour that you have totally sold up in Spain and re-located to UK on a permanent basis!!!! If true, we wish you and Janet all the best and are sorry that we did not get to have a drink with you before you left!!! Many thanks for your starting the Axarquia Hash House Harriers which is enjoying a good lease of life with in excess of 20 Hashers on a regular basis and on occasions 30 plus. Regards Alan aka Zulu Out of sight but ? Yes we are back in UK after a very surprising offer on our house in Los Kikos which with mixed emotions decided to accept. It was all a fearful rush from offer to completion in less than six weeks so we had little time to say our farewells It was a pleasure to be a founder member of the AH3 and to serve as GM for so many years It is also tribute to all of you stalwarts who have carried on regardless. Although we are now going to embark on some new adventures I do hope we will not be forgotten Who knows maybe a ghost from the past may surprise one day - Hola fellow Hashers! Yes: CAMP'18 is on the horizon. This year's dates are: arrive 10th Sept., sleep over on 10th and 11th Sept., depart after recovery run on 12th Sept. The link below is the web site of the proposed hotel in Priego de Cordoba: nearish to Cordoba but not in the city: Google Maps will help you to find it. http://www.zercahoteles.com/index.php/hotel-rural-huerta-de-las-palomas/ What I would like from you guys now is an EXPRESSION OF INTEREST so that we can go ahead with the planning. The Hash from Donnington in UK are keen to join us for Camp'18 which will be nice. Flying Widget is the link Hasher in Donnington and he and Dog's Bollocks will be HaresInCharge. As for last year we don't think pets are allowed. Sorry Whino et al! We are awaiting confirmation from the hotel of availability of rooms and sample menus for dinner. GUESSTIMATE of pricing at the mo is around €185 per couple for 2 nights B&B, dinner plus 2 hashes. This is subject to confirmation. SO: I am not available much over the next few weeks so Zulu has kindly agreed to collate a list of interested parties. Please let him know ASAP of your interest in principle: his email address is imp1274@yahoo.co.uk Looking forward to yet another great AH3 SUMMER CAMP! Double Entry On On - - Our illustrious leader, Miss Toned, was missing from the last Hash and rumour suggested she was taking part in a arduous obstaclerace!!!!! From looking at the photograph I think she had just gone for a mud bath!!!! Seriously though she did the Hash proud, finishing in second place!! Congratulations Miss Toned!! After his cycle-accident Routemaster is on his way back (with help from Bunion)!! - Pocket Rocket, 80 and still goinig strong. - One of our Axarquia Hash House Harriers Heroes, Del Boy: - Anyone wishing to take part this year in the VII Carrera Rural at Benamargosa needs to pay the entry fee at one of the banks in the village and then take the receipt up to the gym. - A couple of observations I have made while hashing are: 35 Hashers, Six Virgins, Two Easter Eggs, One Birthday Boy and a 10K Run Axarquia Hash House Harriers were out in force on Easter Sunday for Run 291 which took place in the Vinuela area. Seasoned hares Bunyan and Routemaster set a 10K-plus trail that was mainly on good track but they threw in a few hundred olive groves, some steep-ish valleys and a couple of ploughed fields to stop us getting too comfortable! At the end of the hash Jammy Git and F Troop, who had both just completed their 200thrun, were each awarded a Cadbury’s Crème Egg. A post-hash curry put back all the calories we’d burned off, after which we celebrated Routemaster’s 68th birthday with an excellent carrot-and-other-healthy-things cake made by our very own Null Points. With good weather here to stay and minimal chance of rain for the coming months now is a good time to join Axarquia Hash Harriers and get fit for the summer. Just click on Next Run for location and directions. All you need is suitable footwear and €4 per person to cover water, soft drinks, beer and crisps. There’s always a post-hash meal, so you might also want to bring something to change into. (Article by Dim) The colour run will be on Sunday 2nd April at 10.30 Registration is open now and can be carried out at Base Sports in Torre or Velez Malaga. It is €10 each with profits going to charity shown in the link. You will get a "goodies bag" but not from Base: the place and date/time for collection of the goody bag is still to be advised. As this is more expensive than the usual Hash, Hashers doing the Colour Run will not be required to pay for Run 291 so that will effectively be AH3 contribution to the charity. MUY IMPORTANTE! Hasher doing this and wishing to go an on on afterwards PLEASE let me know by next Wednesday as there will be thousands of people wanting to eat and restaurant reservations will very hard to come. Hasher uniforms in the shape of a cheap Chinese shop TuTu will be compulsory: team colour to be advised! Meeting time/place etc to be advised. - Riders Running 10K champion and first overall female: Miss Toned. - We can speak for all that where present: a huuuuuuuuuuuuuuge thank you to Zulu and Plummet for organising the perfect Hash Camp, setting two beautiful Runs amd just being 2 Hash heroes!!!. - Fellow hashers at the Benamamargosa run (Bunion and Routemaster both won their categories, competitive running?). - Hola Happy Hash Campers, - All you Ah3 Hashers. We are a Hashing club and enjoy a Hash every other weekend. To do this we always need Hares to lay trails for each Hash. - The history of the Hash film: - Miss Toned (GM) and Zulu (replacement RA) have given hasher Liz her well earned new Hashname: Footfault. - The Hash Runs will be different to last year and the main Hash Run has already be recce'd and, though I say it myself, it is good!!! PLEASE let me know with your reservation if you are vegetarian.Dogs are not prohibited but there is a €6.00 supplement per medium sized dog and of course they are not allowed in the restaurant or in the pool area. Cannot think of anything else but knowing Hashers someone will have a questionso just ask and if I can answer it I will or I know a man/woman who will!!! OnOn Zulu Our Hasher and replacement religious advisor F. Troop did not only take part in the 10 km run in Marbella but bloody well won his category! His time: 43.59. Well done from all of us! - Zulu is on the case looking at venues and trails. Possibly the same venue as Camp '15, different trail. Watch this space for more news. On on - - Miss Toned and Cinderella completed the Media Marathon in Torremolinos. Well Done !!! <span style="f& |